Press Releases
Ramón A. Pérez -Blanco, Esq., CPCU
Tel. 787-721-6060 | Fax: 787-723-1891 | E-mail:
The Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce is committed to its members and to Puerto Rico. For this reason, it has created a section in this portal so that our virtual business community is aware of our press releases. Also, we may include press releases from other associations that pertain to the efforts of our Chamber of Commerce.
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2024 Zenit Awardees
Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce Recognizes Business and Government Sector Leaders with 2024 Zenit AwardsSan Juan, Puerto Rico - The...
We celebrate our PR Health Insurance Conference 2024
Chamber of Commerce Discusses Solutions to Challenges to Achieve a High-Reliability Health System for Puerto Rico The Puerto Rico Health & Insurance Conference of the Chamber of Commerce brought together senior officials from the federal and local government, along...
Woman Who Leaves a Legacy
The Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce and its Network of Businesswomen and Professional Women recognize Lcda. Josely Vega with the "Woman Who Leaves a Legacy" award [dica_divi_carousel _builder_version="4.23.1" _module_preset="default" hover_enabled="0"...
PR Chamber of Commerce travels to Washington DC with a full work agenda Delegation prioritizes meetings with administration officials and congressmen in the Nation’s Capital to address a variety of issues affecting the quality of life of Puerto RicansWith a defined...
2024 Convention: Puerto Rico Innovation Expo – Summary
Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce designates migration as the central theme of its Innovation Expo The Chamber of Commerce's summit event promoted solutions to demographic and economic challenges through business and economic innovation.[dica_divi_carousel...
PR Health & Insurance 2024
Chamber of Commerce Convenes to Discuss Solutions to Challenges to Achieve a High-Reliability Health System for Puerto Rico The Chamber of Commerce's annual health and insurance forum will bring together senior officials from federal and local government, along with...
Winner of Puerto Rico Conecta announced
Winners of the Puerto Rico Conecta Tournament announced Chamber of Commerce and Made in Puerto Rico First edition of the joint golf tournament of Both Private Sector Organizations Debut with Broad Participation Photo 1 Atty. Ramón Pérez Blanco, president of the Puerto...
2024 Convention: PR Innovation Expo
Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce Presents Studies on migration to the United States The results of the studies point to the importance of economic development, employment opportunities, and quality of life in the migration of Puerto Ricans to the United States...
Enterprise Women Forum
Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce Promotes Access to Capital and Use of Artificial Intelligence by Women Entrepreneurs San Juan,...
New strategic alliance between Made in Puerto Rico and the Chamber of Commerce to promote business connections A joint golf tournament called Puerto Rico Conecta will be heldSan Juan, Puerto Rico – The Made in Puerto Rico Association (HPR) and the Puerto Rico Chamber...
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Previous Presidencies
- Hon. Cameron McKenzie
- Lcdo. Luis Gierbolini: 2021-2022
- Juan Carlos Agosto: 2020-2021
- José Ledesma Fuentes: 2019-2020
- Lcdo. & CPA Kenneth Rivera Robles: 2018-2019
- Lcda. Alicia Lamboy Mobille: 2017-2018
- CPA David A. Rodríguez Ortiz: 2016-2017
- Dr. José Vázquez Barquet: 2015-2016
- Ing. José Miguel Izquierdo Encarnación: 2014-2015
- Lcdo. Jorge M. Cañellas Fidalgo, CPA: 2013-2014
- Pablo L. Figueroa, Arto., M.A.: 2012-2013
- Salvador Calaf Legrand: 2011-2012
- Ing. Raúl Gayá: 2010-2011
- Jorge Galliano: 2009-2010 y Lcdo. José Julián Álvarez: 2008-2009