Press Releases

Ramón A. Pérez -Blanco, Esq., CPCU

Tel. 787-721-6060 | Fax: 787-723-1891 | E-mail:

The Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce is committed to its members and to Puerto Rico. For this reason, it has created a section in this portal so that our virtual business community is aware of our press releases. Also, we may include press releases from other associations that pertain to the efforts of our Chamber of Commerce.

CLICK on the title so you can access the full press release.


PR Chamber of Commerce travels to Washington DC with a full work agenda Delegation prioritizes meetings with administration officials and congressmen in the Nation’s Capital to address a variety of issues affecting the quality of life of Puerto RicansWith a defined...

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New strategic alliance between Made in Puerto Rico and the Chamber of Commerce to promote business connections A joint golf tournament called Puerto Rico Conecta will be heldSan Juan, Puerto Rico – The Made in Puerto Rico Association (HPR) and the Puerto Rico Chamber...

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