Our Team

PRCC Administration

Main: 787-721-6060
Fax: 787-723-1891
Postal Address: P.O. Box 364106, San Juan, PR 00936 – 4106
Physical Address:
Miramar Plaza
954 Ponce de León Ave. Suite 406 – Fourth Floor
Miramar, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00907
Email: camarapr@camarapr.net| servicios@camarapr.net


The President and Executive Director Office

The office of the Executive Director is the main source for any matter regarding this organization.  It offers the different departments information regarding the Strategic Plan, Goals, and Work Plan of the President.

Mr. Luis E. Pizarro-Otero, Esq., President, Ext. 2210
Ms. Liza M. García-Velez, Esq., Executive Director, Ext. 2204

Legal and Legislative Services Department

The Legal and Legislative Matters Department has the important duty to represent the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce at the Legislature and Senate and at administrative entities in defense of its members and the entrepreneurial sector. It participates in public hearings related to measures that could affect the socioeconomic enviroment of the country.  In addition, it submits written memorials on diverse Law Projects.

Mr. Leonel Barreto, Esq., Director, Ext. 2208

Marketing, Sales and Public Relations Department

The Marketing, Sales and Public Relations Department is responsible for generating income through two of its divisions:  New Members and Retention, and Member Services and Activities.  Both divisions are dedicated to sell products and services.

Ms. Sandra González-Alicea, Director, Ext. 2225
Ms. Ana Maricsi Nieves, Assistant, Ext. 2210

Institutional Development (Membership Service)

The Institutional Development area is composed by Dr. Juanita Otero-Santana, Membership Service and New-Membership Officer. She provides information on the benefits and services the Institution has to offer. She is also responsible for promoting the PRCC publications. This division offers general information services on relocation, economy, tourism, real estate and statistics.

Juanita Otero-Santana, Psy.D, New Members and Retention Officer, Ext. 2200

Accounting and Finance Department

The Finance and Accounting Department is responsible for the general accounting of the Institution, budget, payroll, employee benefits, accounts payable and receivable and the financial health of the Institution.

Director, Ext. 2204
Ms. Flor Martínez, Receptionist, Ext. 2241
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