Benefits of Membership

JOIN the PRCC! Our members achieve best results by being part of the largest group of professionals and entrepreneurs in Puerto Rico.
Our goals are the development and prosperity of our members. We help them grow their business by being their voice in government, and provide valuable savings in benefits and services.
Advocacy in action with the Legislative Assembly, the Executive and with the U.S. Congress to improve the conditions of the private sector on the Island. LEARN MORE
Professional Development and Business Training
Workshops, conferences, forums on current issues and Conventions aimed at strengthening the competitive capacity of your business. LEARN MORE
Extensive Networking Opportunities
Spaces to connect with other leaders in the industry either in educational, social activities (Business After 6, B2B) and / or Committee meetings.
Extensive Promotion and Marketing Opportunities
Being an institutional sponsor, sponsor of activities, using our e-marketing service (eblasts and posts on social networks), participating as a speaker or exhibitor in events and actively participating in the sectoral work committees. LEARN MORE
Virtual Network
Digital platform with access to the members’ directory that offers an opportunity to establish business relationships. LEARN MORE
Newsletters and other announcements
Your Chamber Informs, digital directory of members, important notices for members, economic reports*, legislative reports.
Guidance and Advice
Legal affairs and local (limited) laws and human resources through RiskOne HR Consulting. LEARN MORE
Import and Export Promotion
- Participation in commercial missions to foreign markets.
- Certificates of Origin for shipping by exporters.
- Price lists certification.
- Integration with Chambers of Commerce in the United States, Latin America and other countries.
- Promotion of local and international manufacturing.
- Hosting of international commercial missions.
Comercial Referrals
As a member of the PRCC you become a potential provider or supplier of your products or services when other members call our offices to request lists of merchants associated with our organization. You will have the opportunity to be referred several times a year, given that we receive calls and requests from companies outside of and within Puerto Rico that are interested in obtaining information about our business and professional members.
Consumer, Entrepreneur and E-Commerce Confidence Index Studies*
The objective of these Studies is to provide partners and entrepreneurs in the country with data that will help them better direct their business strategies for 2022. With the results of these studies, the economic sector of Puerto Rico will know the perception of consumers about the current economic situation, their expectations for the next twelve months, their willingness to buy goods and services, and their expectations about the general price level, among other data.
Health Insurance
Your company can access exclusive coverage through the member health plan. LEARN MORE
Insurance Plans
Ensure the continuity of your company. Through the range of insurance that Bonnet Insurance Brokerage Corporation makes available to PRCC members, you can safeguard your business assets. LEARN MORE
Discount Program
Our members enjoy great benefits that save them thousands of dollars a year. LEARN MORE
*Benefit only for members of annual fee of $ 600 and up.
Contact us
Call 787-721-6060, we are happy to answer all your questions.