Junta Directiva

Luz B. Otero Rivera

Second Vice President

Entrepreneur with more than 30 years of experience in the industry of tanks and electric pumping systems. She owns Puerto Rico Water Management, which has an image of prestige and seriousness for excellence in service and quality. She has a bachelors degree in Business Administration from the University of Puerto Rico, postgraduate studies in Industrial Management and Certification in Project Management. Distinguished by being effective in highly competitive and changing environments. Skilled in the development and implementation of business strategies. She has special skills in business development from concept to operations and introduction of new products and service to the market. She has received multiple awards and recognitions for her successful performance in the business world. Her company is positioned as the leading company in the tank market in Puerto Rico. It has a digital platform that allows a personalized treatment with its customers. Her portfolio has developers, homeowners, farmers, corporations and government agencies.

Directora Ejecutiva
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