Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce Seeks to Influence Political Platforms to promote the return of Puerto Ricans to the island and make economic development viable

Ahead of the November elections, the private sector institution seeks to include its proposals to improve the quality of life and promote greater economic development.

San Juan, Puerto Rico (July 16, 2024) – The Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce (PRCC) has begun work aimed at executing the new priorities established in its work plan, focusing on influencing the parties’ proposals for the 2024 elections. The objective is to address the demographic challenges facing Puerto Rico through new public policy measures and stimulate economic development. The PRCC also inaugurated a new board of directors, headed by its new president, Lcdo. Luis E. Pizarro-Otero, and a renewed board of directors.

The Chamber of Commerce has sent written communications to the gubernatorial candidates of the different parties formalizing its offer to collaborate in the preparation of the government platforms that will be presented to the electorate as part of the 2024 election process, making available the experts of the PRCC to share concrete proposals of public policy to be implemented for the benefit of citizens.

“After the presentation last May of two demographic studies, prepared for the Chamber of Commerce by the research firm Ipsos and which reveal the reasons for the migration of Puerto Ricans to the United States and the possibilities of their return to the island, the PRCC has made it a priority to face the challenges of Puerto Rican emigration to the United States with innovative proposals,” Pizarro said. “Education, health and safety are strategic pillars for Puerto Rico’s economic development, which should be the north of efforts to promote the return of the thousands of Puerto Ricans who have emigrated in the last ten years,” added the business leader.

The PRCC studies reveal important data on the role of economic development in the migration of Puerto Ricans and the possibilities for them to return to the island. For example, 32% of respondents would consider returning to Puerto Rico, if their quality of life on the island improves, referring to aspects such as the availability of employment opportunities, health services, safety and education. 29% of those surveyed identified the cost and accessibility of electricity and housing services as problems that would have to be overcome to return to the country. For their part, another 29% of respondents pointed to local political parties and political status as causes of the problems that lead to emigration from Puerto Rico to the United States.

The strategic priorities of the PRCC’s work plan for this election year are outlined in a series of resolutions approved by the institution at its annual assembly. These include issues such as promoting changes in government public policy due to demographic challenges that directly impact education, the health system and security, which covers both the context of public protection and law enforcement and aspects of economic, energy, contribution, infrastructure and food security on the island. The resolutions include establishing sports as a vehicle for economic development and the “Healthy Company” project to establish corporate programs for the prevention of health conditions for the benefit of the workforce, among other initiatives.

“Our new board has as a priority to execute the resolutions approved in our annual assembly, through multi sectorial collaborative efforts that promote Puerto Rico’s economic growth in the short, medium and long term. A key component is to provide the experience and knowledge of the PRCC and its membership to candidates and political groups to identify and promote concrete public policy proposals to improve the quality of life of all and promote our economic development,” Pizarro concluded.

Karen Garnik, APR – 787-502-2424

Isadora Hernández – 787-310-3807

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