Board of Directors
Eddie Ríos-Gómez
Eddie Ríos Gómez, accountant by profession with more than 30 years of experience in Accounting, Contributions and Finance Services to Individuals, Corporations and Limited Liability Companies (LLC). He has an insurance agent license that uses it to provide finance services to clients, he also has specialist licenses in income contributions from Puerto Rico, IRS and all states of the United States. CEO of ATA – Accounting, Taxes & Advisors, LLC, successor company to H&R Block Franchise. Master’s degree in accounting and finance from the Inter-American University of PR. As part of the graduate studies I collaborate in the edition of the textbook of Contributions on Income of Dr. Gregoria Merced, incorporating the tax reform of 1994. Be a university professor at the University of Puerto Rico Bayamon Campus, Interamerican University of Puerto Rico Metropolitan Campus and Ana G. Méndez University Save program, Campuses: Metropolitano, Carolina and Gurabo. In the Chamber of Commerce he has participated in the voting, contributory, SMEs and Cannabis committees.