
PRCC Scholarships

The Scholarship Fund of the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce celebrated 17 years of foundation. Thanks to the voluntary contribution of our partners, during these years we have raised more than $300,000 dollars and more than 262 scholarships have been awarded. The Scholarships were created with the aim of financially helping students with disabilities and limited resources, for the beginning of their university career.

We extend our thanks to all the partners, committed to the development of our young students, and who have contributed to the Scholarship Fund.

There is no doubt that a good education is essential to achieve the changes and economic development that we want so much for Puerto Rico.

The Scholarships are awarded by a committee composed of former presidents, doctors and educators, who have the responsibility of convening, evaluating and interviewing the candidates; and finally, select them based on uniform selection criteria.

Scholarship Recipients 2024

“it is at this stage, when they are going to start university, that they are so tender that what seems little and insignificant can represent the difference in them, because we know that in many places there are no resources. And this kind of thing balances the situation for these guys.”

Eneida Romany, Mother of José R. Ibáñez Romany, Scholarship 2008

“University life for me has been a very challenging process, I have encountered architectural barriers that have made it difficult for me to enjoy it. By my second year, there was a strike, at that time I was so drained of external university difficulties,… that I was about to give up, but I remembered the people who did their bit to keep me going and that motivated me. Contributing to personal, academic and professional growth motivates one in circumstances like these to move on, move forward and not give up and here I am in the final stretch”.

Jo Angelie Durán Rosario, Scholarship 2008

“For all those entrepreneurs who are not yet encouraged to be part of this initiative “I understand that it is very important to support students with that type of help, because we are the future. In Puerto Rico we do not all have the same economic facility. In this way, they contribute a grain of sand to continue forging the professionals of this country if we help each other right here we can be better resources”.

Chelle Marie Medina Burgess, Scholarship 2008

“I thank all those entrepreneurs who support this initiative as it is a benefit that helped me in a great way. In addition, it shakes hands with those who are beginning to prepare for a tomorrow, which contributes and helps many young people who need it so much in our country.”.

Alice M. Hernández Casillas, Scholarship 2011

“To all those people who have supported this initiative I want to thank you, they are very important for all those young people who are studying and who want to be useful for our country. To those who have not yet given up supporting us, I urge you to be encouraged to be part of the educational formation of the country’s students. They won’t regret it”.

Liliana Janice Rivera Rodríguez, Scholarship 2011

“…I am very grateful for this scholarship that was awarded to me and I have no doubt that any other young person would be just as happy and grateful. Moreover, young people with disabilities who sometimes cannot compete for another scholarship because they are not allowed or have not been able to develop academically or in the community area, as a student of the regular current would. I hope my story will help you to have a more vision of what you achieve by awarding your scholarship to people like me.”

Carlos Edwardo Meléndez García, Scholarship 2012

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