Chamber in the News

Presidency: Luis E. Pizarro-Otero, Esq.

You will be able to access news from the country’s media related to the PRCC and its efforts for the benefit of the business community.


Law Aiming to Regulate Single-Use Plastics

February, 5, 2025 | Noticentro


Analysis: Impact of Tariff Imposition on Mexico, Canada, and China

February, 4, 2025 | Notiseis WIPR

The trade tariffs signed by Donald Trump on Saturday against Mexico, Canada, and China have sparked fear, anger, and uncertainty. And while a one-month pause on these tariffs for Canada and Mexico was announced today, the possibility remains that the U.S. president could impose additional tariffs on the European Union and the United Kingdom.

Given this scenario, what are the repercussions for both the United States and Puerto Rico?

Lcdo. Luis Pizarro Otero, president of the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce, and Dr. Héctor Ríos Maury, professor of Administration and International Trade at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, analyze the issue.

How Does Uncertainty in International Trade Affect Puerto Rico?

February, 3, 2025 | Los Datos son los Datos, WAPA TV

The tariffs imposed by the Trump administration have raised concerns within Puerto Rico’s distribution chain. Although a one-month reprieve has been granted before these taxes are applied to products from Mexico and Canada, uncertainty remains.

On Los Datos son los Datos, José González, president of the Puerto Rico Retail Trade Association, and Luis Pizarro, president of the Chamber of Commerce, analyzed possible alternatives for the island.

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Our Executive Director, Attorney Liza García, was interviewed on the radio show Dígame la Verdad with Milly Méndez for Radio Isla. She discussed the 2024 Studies on the Puerto Rican Business and Consumer Confidence Index and their crucial role as a data source to support your business planning.

Taxes and electricity continue to be a headache for business owners.

December 17, 2024 | Los Datos son los Datos, WAPA TV

The President of the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce spoke with Jay Fonseca about the key factors impacting business operations in the country.

The Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce Endorses the Appointment of the Committee for Puerto Rico’s Energy Transformation

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2024 Confidence Index Studies and Luncheon with the Governor Elect

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Private Sector Pleased with Election Results in Puerto Rico and the United States

November 6, 2024 | El Nuevo Día

Business owners and executives interviewed by El Nuevo Día do not believe that Donald Trump’s victory in the United States will impact the local economy in the coming four-year term.


Candidates to Washington Bet on Alliances to Boost the Economy

October 30, 2024 | Notiseis WIPR

In order to focus on and understand legislative processes in Congress, the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce listened to proposals from the candidates for Resident Commissioner in Washington.


“We are going to complete this transformation”: LUMA Energy to affirm before Congress that it expects to remain in charge of energy transmission and distribution.

September 26, 2024 | El Nuevo Día

The officials responsible for Puerto Rico’s electrical system will testify this Thursday before the Subcommittee on Indian and Insular Affairs amid criticism over recent blackouts.

Chamber of Commerce to travel to Washington to advocate for federal funds.

September 17, 2024 | El Nuevo Día

It will also seek to expedite the reconstruction of the energy system and identify alternative operators for possible hiring.

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Cámara de Comercio viajará a Washington para abogar por fondos federales
También buscará agilizar la reconstrucción del sistema energético e identificar alternativas de operadores para su posible contratación- NOTICEL, 17 de sept.
Cámara de Comercio busca agilizar desembolso de fondos de recuperación para la isla
Mediante una nueva ronda de reuniones con oficiales gubernamentales en la capital federal – Metro, 18 de sept.
Representantes de la Cámara de Comercio se reunirán con los proponentes del Project 2025
Ey Boricua, 17 de sept.
Cámara de Comercio de Puerto Rico defiende fondos federales de recuperación
Magazine PR, 17 de sept.
Casa Blanca reúne a representantes de Puerto Rico para discutir “los impactos” en la isla de la administración de Joe Biden
Miembros del gabinete del gobierno de Estados Unidos hablarán este jueves ante directivos de instituciones, organizaciones comunitarias y políticos
El Nuevo Día, 19 de sept.
Exploran nuevas opciones para la red eléctrica
La Cámara de Comercio ausculta en Washington alternativas y recomendaciones en caso de que el gobierno de Puerto Rico deba cambiar la administración del sistema
El Nuevo Día, 20 de sept.


The Private Sector Judges the Legislature's Management

July 28, 2024 | El Nuevo Día

In this four-year term, measures were approved to “fish for votes” instead of promoting business activity, says the Chamber of Commerce, while legislative leaders assert that significant progress was made for the economy, including reducing public debt.

Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce Seeks to Influence Political Platforms to promote the return of Puerto Ricans to the island and make economic development viable

Court issues first order in lawsuit seeking to stop the wage increase.

July 1, 2024 | El Nuevo Día

Meanwhile, the Secretary of Labor emphasizes that the $10.50 per hour wage is in effect, starting today, Monday, July 1st.

Business owners sue the government to halt the increase in the minimum wage to $10.50 per hour.

June 30, 2024 | El Nuevo Día

The Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce and five other business organizations allege that the Evaluating Commission acted ultra vires in approving the raise that would benefit around 245,000 workers.

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