
Chamber in the News

Presidency: Ramón A. Pérez-Blanco, Esq., CPCU

Access news’ links from the countrys media related to the PRCC and its efforts in benefit of the business class.

2024 Convention

En la Mañana

Jugando Pelota Dura

Noticentro al Amanacer: Torneo de Golf PUERTO RICO CONECTA

Ahí está la Verdad: El SUPER PAC Empresarial


Interview at La Nación Z

Forum: The Economic Effects of the Status in Puerto Rico

Infrastructure Forum: Energy, Water & Telecommunications

Presentation of the Puerto Rican Business and Consumer Confidence Index

Forum Financial Challenges in the Health Ecosystem in Puerot Rico

Private Sector Organizations Request Modifications to Simplify and Improve the Contributory System

Metro, October 17, 2023 – In addition, they sent a letter to the governor with recommendations to reduce individual and corporate tax rates on the island [LEARN MORE]


Expo-Forum 2023: Alert! Are Condominiums and Buildings Collapsing?

The Chamber of Commerce took its perspective to Congress on SNAP

El Nuevo Día, September 22, 2023 – Washington, D.C. – The head of the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce perceives that, in the face of the debate over the island’s access to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), many in Congress see an incentive in efforts to tie work requirements to food assistance. [LEARN MORE]

El nuevo día

A flexible and fluid labour market

El Nuevo Día, September 14: Human capital is the most important asset of any company. No matter the economic sector where the merchant, businessman, entrepreneur, industrialist, and/or owner operates, there will be no economic success for that company if it does not recognize and accept the first sentence as an absolute rule. The employee goes above the customers. Sometimes above the entrepreneur himself.[Read More]

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Op-Ed: The intent of Congress with PROMESA

News is my Business, August 25: A little over seven years ago, the U.S. government approved the PROMESA law. That statute, which has drawn criticism and praise, arrived at a critical financial moment to provide a legal mechanism to allow Puerto Rico’s government to renegotiate a debt of tens of billions and avoid the dire economic consequences of default.

PROMESA also brought with it the controversial creation of the Financial Oversight and Management Board to lead the financial reorganization process. [Read More]

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Leadership of the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce presents the 2023-2024 Work Plan

August 1, 2023, San Juan, PR –The leadership of the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce (PRCC) held a meeting with the press to reveal the details of its work plan for the rest of 2023 and the first half of 2024. The plan constitutes a strategic pillar to strengthen the position of the institution as a spokesperson for the private sector and attract new members. [LEARN MORE]

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Businessmen see no progress on energy and permits

News is my Business, July 25, 2023 – International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) President María Fernanda Garza has announced the election of businessman and investor Cameron McKenzie — former president of the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce — as one of the five new members to join its 27-member executive board. [LEARN MORE]

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Businessmen see no progress on energy and permits

El Nuevo Día, July 24, 2023 – Two private sector leaders say government needs to do more to bring stability to businesses and industries [LEARN MORE]

Beyond the rain of millions: to develop native capital

El Nuevo Día, July 7, 2023 – Opinion column on federal pandemic recovery funds, health care policyholders, insurance compensation after recent natural disasters, and more.[LEARN MORE]

Legislature ends Ordinary Session without approving the Tax Reform

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