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Important Documents:
Candidate for President Elect:

#1 Sr. Cameron McKenzie
McKenzie & Associates, LLC
Candidates for the Directive Board:

#3 Ms. Waleska Rivera
Danosa Caribbean, Inc.

#4 Mr. Eduardo Fernández
Pan American Grain Mfg. Col., Inc.

#5 Ms. Georyanne Ríos
HR Unlimited Solutions, LLC

#6 Mr. Omar Mejías
Advent-Morro Equity Partners, Inc.

#7 Mr. Francisco J. Rodríguez Castro
Birling Capital Advisors, LLC

#8 Ms.Wilma Alejandro
Banco Popular de Puerto Rico
Candidates for the Directive Board representing the Affiliates Associations Asociaciones Afiliadas for the CCPR:

#10 Restaurantes de PR (ASORE) Association

#11 Hecho en PR Association

#12 Businessmen and businesswomen for PR

#14 Farmacias de Comunidad de PR Association

#15 Association of Executives of Cooperatives of PR

#16 Viejo San Juan Merchants Association

#17 Association of Merchants in Construction Materials of PR

#18 Miembros de la Industria del Cannabis Medicinal, Inc. (MiCaM)

#19 College of Certified Public Accountants of PR

#20 Retail Trade Association