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Presentation: Entrepreneurs and Consumers Confidence Index

Topics: Presentation of the Fourth Edition Study Index of Confidence of the Entrepreneur The Challenges of the Entrepreneur and his Response Presentation of the Third Edition Consumer Confidence Index Study Consumer Challenges and the Private Sector Response Where do Entrepreneurs and Consumers match and where are they not? Reaction Panel

Members Extraordinary Assembly

AnnouncementMembers Extraordinary Assembly We summon all the partners of the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerceto an Extraordinary Assembly to be held: Wednesday, February 9, 20225:00 p.m.Theater, Colegio de Ingenieros y Agrimensores de Puerto Ricoand Zoom The Assembly intends to amend the By Laws. Luis A. Gierbolini Rodríguez, Esq., CPAPresident Alma Aldarondo AlfaroSecretary