JOIN the Chamber
Our team is Puerto Rico and its entrepreneurs are always ready and the most valuable players to contribute with their experiences and entrepreneurial talent for the success of our island.
Join the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce
The Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce always provides us with empirical data that helps us understand the state of the economy, which we truly needed to move the needle… “
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It is a great honor to join as a new member of an institution that, throughout its history, has contributed to Puerto Rico’s economic development and fostered significant partnerships…”
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We are members because of the added value it provides to business owners through the information offered, guidance, and the connections we can build…”
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…one of the greatest benefits the institution offers: connecting Puerto Rican entrepreneurs.
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Quick access to our services and benefits:
Workshops, conferences, forums on current issues and Conventions aimed at strengthening the competitive capacity of your business. READ MORE
Being an institutional sponsor, sponsor of activities, using our e-marketing service (eblasts and posts on social networks), participating as a speaker or exhibitor in events and actively participating in the sectoral work committees. READ MORE
Presenting all the services and activities the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce offers for the development of Puerto Rico’s private sector. READ MORE
Lets’ work TOGETHER to improve and develop Puerto Rico’s business ecosystemTrabajemos juntos para mejorar y desarrollar el ambiente de negocios en #PuertoRico. READ MORE