Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce designates migration as the central theme of its Innovation Expo


The Chamber of Commerce’s summit event promoted solutions to demographic and economic challenges through business and economic innovation.

The Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce (CCPR) held its second Innovation Expo, a summit event of the business institution where the perspectives of leaders and experts from various economic sectors were integrated into a country discussion that addressed the challenges and opportunities facing Puerto Rico. The two-day event took place on May 7 and 8 at the Puerto Rico Convention Center in San Juan.

The event served as the setting for the presentation of the findings of two new demographic studies prepared for the Chamber of Commerce by the research firm Ipsos focused on revealing the reasons for the migration of Puerto Ricans to the United States and the possibilities of their return to the island. The studies reveal important data on the role of economic development and tourism in the migration of Puerto Ricans, and cover aspects such as the perception of cost of living, employment profile and reasons to consider when returning to the island.

“Addressing the demographic challenges of migration to the United States must be a priority, both for the private sector and for the government,” said Lcdo. Ramón Pérez Blanco, president of the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce and president of Fulcro Insurance, Inc. “Getting Puerto Ricans who are in the states to return to our island represents a potential solution to this demographic and economic challenge and therefore a vital public policy issue. We don’t want Puerto Rico to continue to empty out.”

As part of the event, a plenary session on housing challenges was held with the participation of Dr. Kimberly A. McClain, Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). A second plenary session discussed the island’s energy challenges with the participation of Diana Furchtgott-Roth, director for the Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment and energy and environmental policy advisor for the Heritage Foundation.

Perez Blanco highlighted the expected appearance of Robert F. Mujica Jr., executive director of the Fiscal Oversight Board, before the business audience to present the agency’s vision on the path to economic growth for the island after the bankruptcy process.

Other topics that were part of the event’s agenda included the challenges Puerto Rico faces in health and insurance, education and jobs, and economic development; financing, innovation and technology opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises; quality of life and corporate social responsibility; cybersecurity; human resources in business; and trade policies.

The presence of all of Puerto Rico’s gubernatorial candidates added an important political component to the event in an election year, giving them the opportunity to present to the business community their perspective on the findings of demographic studies of demographic trends and migration challenges, as well as participate in the conversation about the island’s future.

“In a crucial election year, the Innovation Expo gained importance as a forum for debate and action for Puerto Rico. It is critical that both the private sector and the government join forces to tackle migration and ensure a prosperous future for our island,” said Mickey Espada, chair of the Innovation Expo 2024 convention committee.

“Innovation Expo 2024 was more than an event; it was a meeting point where business leaders and minds committed to the economic development of Puerto Rico converged. This event was an opportunity to join efforts from different sectors to find innovative solutions to the challenges we face as a society,” said Pérez Blanco.

The CCPR culminated its Innovation Expo 2024 by recognizing with its highest award, the Zenit Awards, the excellence in performance of entrepreneurs, entities, associations, agencies and individuals on our island:

Main Zenit Awards

Carmen Jovet
Journalist of the Year

This recognition is granted to representatives of the press, radio or television who have distinguished themselves during the year for their news, comments, reports, articles, film accounts or photographs that have contributed the most to disseminate news or analysis of these, in an objective, duly corroborated and impartial way, as well as to project a positive image of Puerto Rico and promote a better quality of life.

José Manuel Baeza – Teselta
Entrepreneur of the Year

This recognition is given to the person who has excelled in their role as an entrepreneur, executive and professional. The person has done an extraordinary job in the origin, development and growth of a private entity in Puerto Rico, identifying himself with significant innovations in the ways of doing business or conducting his company. It has also had achievements that have benefited Puerto Rico.


Affiliated Association of the Year

This recognition is granted to the CCPR Affiliate Association that has stood out during the year, in the effort to enforce the principles of private enterprise, through programs, projects and activities that have contributed to the general welfare of Puerto Rico, beyond the particular sector that its organization may represent.


PR Tourism Company
Government Entity of the Year

This recognition is granted to the governmental entity that has accumulated an outstanding track record of performance in the field of public instrumentalities, executive and legislative branches in the public service, at the federal, state or municipal level. It is considered the direct execution of work that contributes to the sustained economic development of Puerto Rico, in the long term and to enhance the image of the governmental function and public servants. The entity must contribute effectively to creating and maintaining a positive climate in relations between the public sector and the community. In addition, he has achieved greater government efficiency and acted in accordance with the law and regulations on government ethics and contributed to raising the community’s confidence in the public servant.


Zenit Innovation Award

This recognition is granted to the agency for having accumulated, during the year, a record of outstanding achievements in technological management and innovation that includes work, transformation and digital collaboration for the benefit of citizens, groups or organizations in a way that promotes government agility and economic development. The work carried out has significantly impacted the community and businesses in Puerto Rico.

Grupo Navis
Institution of the Year

This recognition is granted to the institution for having accumulated, during the year, a record of outstanding achievements in social management that includes work and collaboration for the benefit of groups or organizations with social, economic, physical or cultural disadvantaged limitations or conditions. The community service work carried out by the entity has benefited a significant number of people in Puerto Rico.

Zenit Health Sector Award

This recognition is given to the entity, institution or company in the healthcare sector that has accumulated, during the year, a record of outstanding achievements that represent positive changes, improvements and innovations in the most important phases of its company’s operations or business leadership.


Agro. Jorge Ramírez, Presidente AHPR
President’s Special Award 2023 – 2024

This recognition is granted for his efforts to uphold the principles of private enterprise, the country brand, through programs, projects and activities that have contributed to the general well-being of Puerto Rico, beyond a particular sector with the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce and our presidency.



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