Chamber of Commerce Discusses Solutions to Challenges to Achieve a High-Reliability Health System for Puerto Rico

The Puerto Rico Health & Insurance Conference of the Chamber of Commerce brought together senior officials from the federal and local government, along with a broad representation of the private sector.

San Juan, Puerto Rico – With the discussion of issues of great relevance to the health and insurance industries such as the role of the media in the dissemination of health information, the role of social determinants in the pursuit of health, and the role of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity in health care, The Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce (CCPR) held the Puerto Rico Health & Insurance Conference (PRHIC), with broad participation from the private sector as well as senior government officials from the governments of Puerto Rico and the United States.

The session “Beyond Medicine: Social Determinants of Health and the Pursuit of Holistic Wellness” focused on discussing innovative approaches to addressing the social determinants of health.

MCS Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ines Hernandez Roses highlighted the importance of social determinants within the Medicare Advantage program in improving health outcomes, including aspects such as health literacy, food security and care coordination. Dr. Hernández Roses recounted how the federal government has been integrating the issue of social determinants into its health strategy, starting with the Healthy People 2010 model. For the first time, it included two social determinants: access to quality health services and environmental health.

Social determinants of health reflect the impact of the social environment on the health of people who share a given community and influence the cardiovascular health factors of individuals. According to the Healthy People 2030 model, they can be classified into five main aspects: economic stability; access to and quality of education; the social and community context; the neighborhood and built environment; and access to and quality of health care.

“Identifying the needs of social determinants leads us to healthier patients, a better health system, and a better society,” said Diego J. Loínaz-Martin, founder of, who added that, in the face of the fragmentation of the health system, connecting data is the first step.

In an era defined by rapid technological advancements, the summit addressed the intersection of health care and innovation. The session, “Navigating the Nexus: Demystifying Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare,” delved into the power of artificial intelligence to improve healthcare delivery. The discussion shed light on the reactions of disbelief and fear generated by artificial intelligence technology. The possible loss of jobs, errors and hallucinations generated by this technology were also discussed, and AI use cases focused on the provision and management of health services were presented.

On the positive aspects of artificial intelligence, it was mentioned how the ability of generative artificial intelligence models continues to impress more and more every day with applications such as facial recognition, the design of autonomous cars, the creation of written content such as scripts for television series or movies.

The company CorePlus Clinical and Pathological Services revealed that it has been using artificial intelligence for 4 years, applying the use of artificial intelligence algorithms for the identification of prostate and breast tumors. “Biopsies are examined by pathologists in conjunction with artificial intelligence technology. It has improved the accuracy, speed and efficiency in the processing of samples to eliminate false negatives,” explained Dr. Juan Carlos Santa Rosario, Chief Medical Officer of CorePlus. By 2030, a shortage of thousands of pathologists is expected, according to Santa Rosario. With artificial intelligence, it is hoped that the shortage gap for these health professionals will be filled.

Other topics addressed at the Puerto Rico Health & Insurance Conference include protection against growing cybersecurity hazards, the effect of social isolation on the mental health of the population, how to navigate clinical protocols and emerging therapies in oncology, and a discussion of the Value-Based Care Model.

Contacto de Medios:
Karen Garnik, APR

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