Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce Presents Studies on migration to the United States


The results of the studies point to the importance of economic development, employment opportunities, and quality of life in the migration of Puerto Ricans to the United States and the chances of their returning to the island.

San Juan, Puerto Rico (May 8, 2024) Economic development plays a fundamental role in the migration of Puerto Ricans to the United States and as a possible hook to facilitate the return of the diaspora to the island, according to studies on the subject prepared by the firm Ipsos for the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce (CCPR) and whose results were publicly presented at the Innovation Expo.

The top two reasons outlined by respondents for moving out of Puerto Rico are the search for a better quality of life and job opportunities, with 41% and 39% respectively. At least one in five respondents cited other reasons, mainly related to economic and health reasons. Apart from the issues of quality of life and jobs, the other reasons raised are services, mainly education and health, and the cost of living.

The two new demographic studies prepared for the Chamber of Commerce by the research firm Ipsos are focused on revealing the reasons for the migration of Puerto Ricans to the United States and the possibilities of their return to the island. The studies reveal important data on the role of economic development and tourism in Puerto Rican migration, and cover aspects such as the perception of the cost of living, employment profile and the reasons to consider when returning to the island.

As part of a panel reacting to the results of the studies, the Secretary of Economic Development and Commerce, Manuel Cidre, said, It fills me with enthusiasm to see the opportunities revealed by the studies presented,” describing the results of the studies presented by the CCPR as normal for the movement of Puerto Ricans to the United States because of the ease of transportation.

Cidre called for greater reciprocity of licenses for the provision of services with the states: How can we make Puerto Rico a better destination not for tourism but for building? I think the island has a takeoff that we cant let fall.” He mentioned the levels achieved by various economic indicators such as unemployment and economic growth as positive elements and made a distinction between them and sustainable economic development. He also highlighted the presence on the island of 10 of the top 20 pharmaceutical companies and that Puerto Rico is the U.S. jurisdiction with the highest export of pharmaceutical products, with more than double that of the state with the highest production.

We hope that this data we share will be a firm step on the part of the private sector to address, together with other sectors, the challenge we face in terms of our population future. In short, this is the main challenge of the country and we are all called to attend to what corresponds to each sector in order to retain and attract the population we need and thus guarantee a prosperous future for all,” said Lcdo. Ramon Perez Blanco, president of the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce and president of Fulcro Insurance, Inc.

According to studies, there are five main problems that Puerto Rico faces for the diaspora. Crime and economic problems are the top two issues mentioned, and at least one in four respondents also identified health care, education and unemployment among the top three issues. The diaspora stays informed about public or social issues in Puerto Rico mainly through social media and the internet.

The most common states of residence, both for firsttime movers and current residents, are Florida, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, and California. Most diaspora residents tend to stay in the first state they moved to or have moved only once since arriving in the United States. Comparisons between current state of residence with Puerto Rico indicate that while there are some areas where state of residence is perceived as more expensive, such as housing and insurance, most other areas have a similar perception of costs.

In general, there are common factors for both Puerto Ricans initial decision to move and the consideration of returning to Puerto Rico. These factors focus on the desire to improve the quality of life, the search for better economic opportunities through employment and/or a better cost of living day by day, and the need for better services with a greater focus on health and education.

Contacto de Medios:
Karen Garnik, APR
E: karen.garnik@gmail.com

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