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Puerto Rico Conference Presentations
You will find in this section, the speakers biographies and presentations. Not all speakers had a presentation. To access a biography, click on the photo of each speaker. To access a presentation, click on the name of the speaker. In the morning session: "Taking Advantage of the Public Private Partnerships", all four speakers had their presentations joined into one.
Hon. José Ramón Pérez-Riera

Department of Economic Development and Commerce of
Puerto Rico

Ubinas Mr. Carlos Ubiñas
CEO International & PR
UBS Financial Services Inc. of PR
Babson President Dr. Leonard A. Schlesinger
Babson College
Maria_Eugenia Mrs. María Eugenia Ferré Rangel
President & CEO
El Nuevo Día
Renzo Mr. Renzo Casillo
President & CEO
Wal-Mart Puerto Rico, Inc.

Taking Advantage of the Public Private Partnerships

Pietrantoni Mr. Manuel A. Pietrantoni
Pietrantoni Méndez & Álvarez, LLP
Arias Mr. José G. Arias
Managing Director
Investment Banking, UBS Financial Services Inc. of PR
Hellweg Mr. Benjamin Hellweg
Vice President
Goldman Sachs
Alvarez Mr. David Álvarez
Executive Director
Puerto Rico Public Private Partnerships Authority
Villamil Mr. José Joaquín Villamil
Chairman of the Board
Estudios Técnicos, Inc.
Savercool Mr. John G. Savercool
Managing Director
U.S. Office of Public Policy, UBS Americas, Inc.
Figueroa Dr. Manuel Figueroa
Puerto Rico Product Association
Rojo Mr. Rafael Rojo
Past Chairman of the Board
Home Builders Association of Puerto Rico
Rossi Mr. Jossen Rossi
Chairman of the Board
Puerto Rico Manufacturing Association
Galliano Mr. Jorge Galliano
Chairman of the Board
Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce
Francisco Mr. Francisco Rodríguez-Castro
Managing Director Institutional & Wealth
Management Business Development, UBS Financial
Services Inc. of PR
Riefkohl William Riefkohl
Executive Vice President
Puerto Rico Manufacturing Association
Javier Mr. Javier Vázquez, Esq.
Executive Director
Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company (PRIDCO)
Paciv Eng. Jorge L. Rodríguez
President & CEO
Beatriz Mrs. Beatriz M. Galliano
General Manager
GA Design and Sourcing, Inc.
Maribelis Mrs. Maribelis Ruiz, PhD
Advent-Morro Equity Partners
Barrales Mr. Miguel Barrales
CEO, Flagstone Underwriters
Latin-America Limited A.I.
Bigas Edgardo Bigas Valladares
Executive Vice President
Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce
Rosso Mrs. Lizzie Rosso, CPA
Economic Development Bank of Puerto Rico
Highley Mr. Leslie Highley
Managing Director
UBS Asset Management of Puerto Rico
Cyrill Mr. Cyrill Meduña
Advent-Morro Equity Partners
Rocafort Mrs. Carmen Rocafort
Senior Vice President
Structured Finance, FirstBank
Sanchez Mr. Federico J. Sánchez Ortiz
Interlink Group
Angel Mr. Angel Santiago, Eng.
Chairman & CEO
Café Encantos de Puerto Rico
Wendys Mr. Jorge Colón Gerena
President & CEO of Wendco of Puerto Rico, Inc.
Cidre Mr. Manuel Cidre
President, Los Cidrines
Shinto Dr. Richard A. Shinto
CEO, MMM Healthcare, Inc.
Aldrete Mr. Horacio Aldrete
Director-Public Finance Ratings Standard & Poor’s
Emily Mrs. Emily Raimes
Vice President
Moody’s Investors Service