You will find in this section, the speakers biographies and presentations. Not all speakers had a presentation. To access a biography, click on the photo of each speaker. To access a presentation, click on the name of the speaker. In the morning session: "Taking Advantage of the Public Private Partnerships", all four speakers had their presentations joined into one. |
Hon. José Ramón Pérez-Riera
Department of Economic Development and Commerce of Puerto Rico |
Mr. Carlos Ubiñas
CEO International & PR
UBS Financial Services Inc. of PR |
Dr. Leonard A. Schlesinger
Babson College |
Mrs. María Eugenia Ferré Rangel
President & CEO
El Nuevo Día |
Mr. Renzo Casillo
President & CEO
Wal-Mart Puerto Rico, Inc. |
Taking Advantage of the Public Private Partnerships |
Mr. Manuel A. Pietrantoni
Pietrantoni Méndez & Álvarez, LLP |
Mr. José G. Arias
Managing Director
Investment Banking, UBS Financial Services Inc. of PR |
Mr. Benjamin Hellweg
Vice President
Goldman Sachs |
Mr. David Álvarez
Executive Director
Puerto Rico Public Private Partnerships Authority |
Mr. José Joaquín Villamil
Chairman of the Board
Estudios Técnicos, Inc. |
Mr. John G. Savercool
Managing Director
U.S. Office of Public Policy, UBS Americas, Inc. |
Dr. Manuel Figueroa
Puerto Rico Product Association |
Mr. Rafael Rojo
Past Chairman of the Board
Home Builders Association of Puerto Rico |
Mr. Jossen Rossi
Chairman of the Board
Puerto Rico Manufacturing Association |
Mr. Jorge Galliano
Chairman of the Board
Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce |
Mr. Francisco Rodríguez-Castro
Managing Director Institutional & Wealth
Management Business Development, UBS Financial
Services Inc. of PR |
William Riefkohl
Executive Vice President
Puerto Rico Manufacturing Association |
Mr. Javier Vázquez, Esq.
Executive Director
Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company (PRIDCO) |
Eng. Jorge L. Rodríguez
President & CEO
Mrs. Beatriz M. Galliano
General Manager
GA Design and Sourcing, Inc. |
Mrs. Maribelis Ruiz, PhD
Advent-Morro Equity Partners |
Mr. Miguel Barrales
CEO, Flagstone Underwriters
Latin-America Limited A.I. |
Edgardo Bigas Valladares
Executive Vice President
Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce |
Mrs. Lizzie Rosso, CPA
Economic Development Bank of Puerto Rico |
Mr. Leslie Highley
Managing Director
UBS Asset Management of Puerto Rico |
Mr. Cyrill Meduña
Advent-Morro Equity Partners |
Mrs. Carmen Rocafort
Senior Vice President
Structured Finance, FirstBank |
Mr. Federico J. Sánchez Ortiz
Interlink Group |
Mr. Angel Santiago, Eng.
Chairman & CEO
Café Encantos de Puerto Rico |
Mr. Jorge Colón Gerena
President & CEO of Wendco of Puerto Rico, Inc. |
Mr. Manuel Cidre
President, Los Cidrines |
Dr. Richard A. Shinto
CEO, MMM Healthcare, Inc. |
Mr. Horacio Aldrete
Director-Public Finance Ratings Standard & Poor’s |
Mrs. Emily Raimes
Vice President
Moody’s Investors Service |